Cultural Bites

Collectivism and Individualism within the United States

According to Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, one of the aspects that define cultures and societies is the degree of interdependence between individuals in a community. This position is granted on a scale between individualism and collectivism, often called the Individualism Index. In simple terms, individualist societies emphasizes individuality—“I” before “we”, and keeps closeness with a …

Collectivism and Individualism within the United States Lire la suite »

Prejudices, Stereotypes, and Assumptions.

According to multiple studies across the decades—from academic research to essays by National Geographic—citizens of the United States have long struggled with geography. Often scoring below average, many have failed to locate any country within a map—sometimes, even their own. Luckily, newer generations seem more concerned about understanding the world outside America, and this trend …

Prejudices, Stereotypes, and Assumptions. Lire la suite »
